These are just my opinions for my top and bottom five and you may have different results. Don't get discouraged by one bad experience on a site. There are many sites that work hard to provide you with a rewarding experience and they value your opinion. The one thing I want you to think about when you start this is that it takes a while to get yourself started. In other words, you are not going to get a $10 survey on your first day. It took me approximately two months of completing profiles and taking surveys before I got my first check. It took approximately a month before I was receiving surveys on a daily basis. I now complete an average of 5 surveys a day. I also get rejected for probably twice that on everyday. These surveys are being completed for major corporations and they have criteria or set demographic that they are trying to target. You will not be accepted into every survey. You just have to be patient and persistent. The more sites you join the better your chances.
Other Sites:
There are many sites that you can complete surveys are just visit and when you either complete the survey or visit the site you earn points or entries to sweepstakes. One of the sites I like is If you join this site they send you surveys that reward you with points that you then submit as entries to sweepstakes for prizes. The prizes range from $100 to a laptop computer as well as trips to various vacation spots. This is just one of many sites like this; I just like the prizes they offer. I have not won anything yet, but I'm still hopeful.
One last point, my personal opinion is that women have more opportunities on the
survey sites than men. Many of the surveys I get are for shopping or daily purchases. When I get these, I have my wife or female friend complete them.
Thanks for the list. It is very useful.Now I know what sites I can try.